Legal Notice

Company name : BNP PARIBAS
Legal representative : Jean Laurent Bonnafé
Public limited company with a capital of : 2 294 954 818 euros
Commercial register [RCS]: Paris 662 042 449
N° SIREN : 662 042 449
E.C. identifier : FR 76662042449
Orias N°: 07 022 735
ADEME N°: FR200182_01XHWE
Registered office : 16, boulevard des Italiens -75009 PARIS
Publication Director : Mikaël Masson

BNP Paribas draws the attention of users of its website to the following points:

Intellectual property

BNP Paribas owns or holds the rights to all components that constitute this website, particularly the data, designs, graphics, photographs and soundtracks.
It is prohibited to reproduce, represent, distribute or re-distribute the content of this website by any means whatsoever, whether in whole or in part, without the prior express authorisation of BNP Paribas. Such action would constitute a contravention of the rules governing the French Intellectual Property Code.
The trademarks of the publisher of the website and its partners, and the logos included in the website, are registered trademarks.
As an exception, some content (texts, images, etc.) belong to their respective authors and BNP Paribas uses them with the authorisation of the owners of the rights to that content.

Personal information

All personal data that you communicate to us via the forms available on this site, or when submitting a job application on line, is processed by BNP Paribas, as data handler, for internal management purposes and in order to respond to your question(s).

For a variety of operational reasons, this data may be transferred to another country within the European Union or to a country outside the European Union. It may also be communicated to the service providers or sub-contractors responsible for carrying out certain practical and technical tasks on behalf of BNP Paribas. With regard to the sending of data to a country outside the European Union, regulations have been put in place to ensure the protection and security of this data. Details of these regulations and information relating to the transfer of data can either be obtained by consulting the Bank’s website ( or by sending a written request to the following address: BNP Paribas APAC TDC Val de Marne, TSA 30233, 94729 FONTENAY SOUS BOIS Cedex.

This personal data may be communicated, upon their request, to official bodies and to administrative and legal authorities.

According to the provisions stipulated by French Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended (called “Loi Informatique et Libertés”), relating to Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, users have the right to access, modify, correct or delete this personal data by writing to BNP Paribas APAC TDC Val de Marne, TSA 30233, 94729 FONTENAY SOUS BOIS Cedex.

Law applicable

The content of the website is subject to the law applicable in France.

All users acknowledge the competence of the courts of France for everything regarding the content and use of the website or disputes arising therefrom.


Users are informed that when they visit the website a cookie may install itself automatically and retained temporarily in the user’s memory or hard disk. A cookie is a component which does not enable the user to be identified but which is used to record information about the user’s navigation on the website.

Users of the website acknowledge that they have been informed of this practice and authorise BNP Paribas to use it. Users may de-activate this cookie by using the settings contained in their navigation software program.

Technical information

Users are reminded that there is no guarantee messages transmitted on the Internet will remain confidential and that the responsibility lies with the individual to take all appropriate measures to protect his or her own data and/or software programs against contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet.

BNP Paribas cannot be held liable for matters outside its control and for any damage that may be caused by the user’s technical environment, in particular computers, software programs, network equipment and any other devices used to gain access to the website or to use it and/or the information it contains.

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